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Hospitals Search Results ( 51 Records found )
Search State: Maine

Mount Desert Island Hospital

Medicare provider code: 200038 Number of beds: 39
10 Wayman Lane, P.O. Box 8, Bar Harbor, Maine, ME 04609 0008
Phone :(207) 288-5081

New England Rehabilitation Hospital

Medicare provider code: 203025 Number of beds: 76
335 Brighton Avenue, Portland, Maine, ME 04102 9735
Phone :(207) 775-4000, Fax :(207) 879-8446

Northern Maine Medical Center

Medicare provider code: 200052 Number of beds: 81
194 East Main Street, Fort Kent, Maine, 04743 1497
Phone :(207) 834-3155, Fax :(207) 834-2202

Redington-Fairview General Hospital

Medicare provider code: 200012 Number of beds: 65
46 Fairview Avenue, PO Box 468, Skowhegan, Maine, ME 04976
Phone :(207) 474-5121